01633 263693

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Design Services UK

Making Things Look Their Best

About PollyGone Visuals

PollyGone Visuals was created to provide design services to businesses on a one to one basis.

About Me (The Designer).

I have always had an affinity with visual communication as i was born and bred into an artistic background. I enjoyed many of the subjects education had to offer yet the creative practises held more interest for me, so much in fact that i decided early on in my education that this was going to be the path I would choose.

While studying Art and Design I uncovered an increasing intrigue into Computer Aided Design and found myself spending more and more time building on the skills for this particular subject. Having the opurtunity to manipulate images and make them more visually appealing built up the fuel for what was soon to become a burning passion.

Years later after completing University, I decided to put the skills to work and created PollyGone Visuals in order to help make peoples imagery 'look better'.